Nina travels. Yes, many of us are traveling, but a few share their experiences with the world. Only a few record the interesting adventures and share useful tips on blog. Nina is one of the few in Slovenia. As she says, she extends her trip by writing a blog. Adorned with beautiful pictures of nature that she admired and of people she met on her wanderings. Blog is full of inspirational notes that take you to the other end of the world. Censorship holds no pleasure for here, so she also writes about the unfortunate events, such as diarrhea on travels. But can you earn with a blog? Why to write it in a first place? Why travel and what you gain with it? Read what Nina has to say about it.
What does travel mean to you? Why do you decide and go? When did you discover that travelling is your passion?
When I was three years old parents took me with them on a trip for the first time. Since then I have been addicted to travelling. I say that my biggest drug is travel. First I traveled with them, and then in high school I started to travel alone, now I share this love with my husband... I travel as much as possible.
I saw that you are fan of backpack travel. Is that from the very beginning? Why?
My parents had a van, rearranged specially for travels and we were discovering the world with it. Even then my parents organized whole trip by themselves and I just continued with their work. I changed it just in that way that I strapped backpack on their shoulders and went ... This year, I and my husband finally realized our dream. We sold our car and
bought an all-terrain car. In it we arranged the bed, so we can choose the location of the sleep completely free handed. Travelling by car has now become our first plan. Wherever we go, we can go with this SUV. With it you go anywhere your heart desires and you are the only one, who places the limit on (non)adventurism. The car was love at first sight. I wanted it for 10 years and this year has shown that if you want something hard enough, it can really happen.... In summer we've already tested it. We went through the Balkans - Greece, Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro. For the next year we the plan Georgia and Armenia.

You are one of the few in Slovenia that has a blog, where you write down your experiences. Why did you decide to write it, how did you come to this idea?
It all started with the articles that I have written for various magazines. Slovenia is a relatively poor market for this kind of work, the editors do not answer and you even have to write for free. So one day I said I will start with a blog. So I will write all down anyway, even though it is not for the magazine. Blog seemed the best option. It is not expensive, in fact, it can be free. All you need is some time to think about what would the readers may be interested in. What they would like to read about your travels or advices or about you. Blog is a kind of diary. There were times, when it was all on paper, but now we are digitized. It is also a way, how to maintain contacts with the family and friends. For myself I would say that I'm pretty lazy when I come home after the trip. I do a selection of photos, but usually no one sees it because there are so many other things to do – also writing the blog. Now, if anyone is interested in my travels, he can read everything on my blog. I also do
travel lectures where I tell more than at home. This suits me because I do not impose anybody with my stories, but if they are interested they will find me, read about me, or come and listen my lecture.

What does you blog means to you? You said earlier that it is a kind of diary.
It’s really like a diary. I write whatever runs through my head. I have it for myself also. Of course, it's great and additional motivation if someone reads it. I would travel 365 days in a year, 24 hours a day. But it is not that easy. I am one of those who unfortunately live with a credit. That's why my blog is like an extension of the trip. I write it before I go, on the road, and when I get home. So if I travel for a month, the whole ‘trip’ can extends on three months adventure.
Where do you draw a line and say: "No, I will not write about that."
Basically, I do not criticize countries where I travel, because every country offers and gives a lot. I write mostly positive, because there are too many people who are afraid to go alone on the road and I would really like to encourage them by saying: "Look, it's not that difficult as it looks or sounds." Otherwise, I do not restrain myself; I write whatever comes to my mind. Once I wrote an article for newspaper Delo where I was writing about how I had terrible diarrhea. One would leave that out, however, I wrote about diarrhea the whole paragraph, as this is also part of the journey. More than you show, easier people identify with you.
What would you advise to all beginners who would like to start their own blog? How to start? What are important things that need to be considered?
What I would advise is to write, what's on your mind. It also depends on what kind of opportunity you see in the blog. Do you have long-term plans to earn something with it or you write it just to keep in touch with family and friends. It is good to introduce yourself, who you are, why you travel, and the like. I think people like to know who creates the blog.
Can you make living out of blogging in Slovenia or you are doing it just for a hobby?
In my experience you cannot live with incomes just from blog. Otherwise, I'm writing it just a year and a half and maybe things will change. I'm pretty pleased as the visit grows each month and that is my ‘salary’. I do not know whether it is Slovenia or situation in general... If I get reimbursed for the domain, I am very happy. If you do it just for money, then this is not it. I also have a blog for the advertising, because I have a lot of travel lectures. If ever, some earnings come from the lectures. When the information is on the internet, it is easier for people to find it.
Do you have any interesting story from your trips you would share with Globetrotter readers?
There are so many stories! One of these is, when this year I and my husband went to Oman. We rented an all-terrain car and drove into the desert to see the dunes. In the end we loved it so much that we decided to go a little bit more into the desert. Although we were totally unprepared, without a compass, navigation, and shovels to dig out of the sand, we did 200 kilometers in the desert. The plan was to reach an oasis, but we did not know exactly where it was. We drove along the path where there was no living soul, no animals or even goat poops to say: "Aha, here was somebody." I panicked, which is obvious by the fact that I do not have any photos from this adventure because I said I do not need the camera anymore. After few difficult hours of driving, we saw something in the distance. It was a Bedouin car somewhere in the middle of the desert. Of course we went to him, and he acted like we were friends for a lifetime, offering lunch and coffee. He also helped us with directions, and drew a trail in the sand. But in the end he sat in the car and drove us to a cart track. With his help we finally found the main road. It was extraordinary experience that showed us no one can compete with nature. We will never forget friendly Bedouins, who have nothing and would give you everything. What is so special on trips is that you realize and notice the values that we no longer cherish. This is probably one of the reasons why I like to travel so much. Each story on the journey makes you think and you always come home a little bit different and richer.

I’ve slept in hostels when I was in high school, while I was travelling throughout Europe. Otherwise, I never book in advance. However, I still try to find cheap accommodations, so I can afford to travel at all. For example, in the Arab world the roofs where you can sleep are much known. Now, my and my husband are fans of camping. We always have a tent with us so we can pitch it the middle of nowhere and then this kind of accommodation is free. We use a variety of options. Now that we're married, the only difference is that we sometimes do afford a private room, because before we slept only in dorms.
What would you advise to all youngsters who hesitate and they do no dare to go travelling and are looking for every possible excuse?
The fear is, as we say, hollow, and basically it does not exist. You just have to decide and go. Then you’ll see all the obstacles that you've made are not really there. However, if a problem occurs, there are always locals who always take time and are happy to help. I advocate that the good will and kindness takes you very far. If you're annoying, you will get the same response. If you're positive and friendly, you will get whatever your heart desires. Also, the trip is so much better that way. Another advice is to learn a few phrases in the language of the natives. This is the key to the local’s hearts.
What did all the trips give you personally?
Traveling gives you worldliness. In addition, you become much more modest if you see anything else than just a standard of living that we are used to. Every time I come home and see a clean toilet, shower with hot water, and sleep in my own fresh bed… this is something the most spectacular. If I was just at home, I would take it for granted. When you see some people and how they live! If you then compare their life with yours… Even if you live a half worse than the rest of Slovenians, you are still doing very well. If more people would travel around, they would be less critical and would see it is actually not as bad as we think.