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Travelling Heart That Leaves Energy Footprints

Travelling gives me freedom to spread my wings and open my mind. It is a horizon that creates greatness and at the same time points out our smallness and modesty. It makes me feel grateful for each new path, even the ones I have already trodden, for there is always a hidden corner that is yet to be discovered as well as the fact that I look at the world from a different angle each time. Every step on the new path contributes to personal growth, for this very part of me changes.

My travelling officially started a little over a decade ago. It was the moment when I actually gathered up courage and boarded a plane all by myself, in order to discover and explore London (it was the first time I flew on a plane all by myself, surrounded by other passengers). I broke the ice. And then, as most travellers, I started connecting with other like-minded people. Of course, I was constantly travelling, sometimes in company and sometimes alone. When I don’t work, I travel, and vice versa. If someone had said to me when I was a kid that I’d be out there on my own two feet, and not just going over the pages in encyclopaedias and travelogues, exploring the world, I’d have said: “Don’t mess with me.”

I urge all young people to find what sparks a light in them. The thing that makes the adrenaline pump through their veins, makes their heart beat faster. Something that gives you a new momentum. For me, it is travelling. It has given me unique life experience and has equipped me well for the future. My travels have brought me experience, openness, humility, modesty and memories, as well as chased away fear of the unknown, strengthened my spirit and gave me greater confidence when speaking foreign languages (I turned from someone who spoke a single language into a true polyglot). They have taught me how to get around in an utterly foreign place. They have also taught me that status and labels given by society are not important, but rather that what is important is that I am a human being, that we all are human beings. Furthermore, they have taught me that everyone walks their own path in life. Everyone has their own mission.

One of my travel stories began on 26 April 2014 when the Netherlands celebrated King’s Day after 122 years. Prior to that, the throne was always occupied by a queen. They were celebrating the birthday of King Willem-Alexander, whom I actually managed to see in person (but more about that in one of my other articles).

Today, travellers have it much easier, as more and more things are becoming accessible on social networks, such as much better and cheaper transport routes, low-cost airlines (cheaper airplane tickets), accommodation (hostels, hotels or simply a lawn where you can place your sleeping bag and already have your very own hotel under a sky full of millions of stars – a priceless feeling of freedom and peace).

But since there is an increased emphasis on sustainable tourism and rationality as well as an anti-consumerism lifestyle, I usually bring a fridge magnet from most of my travels, along with a local treat and an enormous number of photos. The only thing I leave behind is my energy footprint. All you, my future travellers, need to begin your very own travel adventures are only good humour and courage.

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Sanela Duraković

Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia