We hear about the consequences of climate change every day. We read about the disappearance of islands in the Pacific Ocean due to the rise of the sea level, or we hear about a large number of hurricanes of the highest grade 5, along the coast of the Americas.
The importance of education in the fight against climate change
Climate change is a problem for each of us, as we all contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, which are the main cause for the warming of the atmosphere, which leads to climate change. By the world’s development accelerating, problems are only increasing. To maintain a company, we consume more and more natural resources, which leads to the impoverishment of the environment. All this is the reason that many organizations and politicians deal with them. At UN climate conferences, education has been recognized as a key element in the fight against climate change and to promote sustainable development. Of course, such a development also leads to a reduction in the consequences of climate change. You can read more about sustainable development in the following article: Suinstable tourism. Education equips us with the necessary knowledge to be aware of the problems of climate change and its consequences, and then encourages us to formulate the world in which we want to live through actions.
UNESCO and the UN Environment have developed a YouthXchange program. Its purpose is raising awareness and training young people to make decisions based on sustainable development. The program itself is present in 45 countries and is specially designed for young people who need most help. These are the people of the least developed countries, who are more affected by natural disasters. Children at schools need to first be equipped with theoretical knowledge of climate change. The transfer of knowledge into practice is what comes next. Pupils, for example, start thinking about how to reduce their energy consumption at home and at their schools. In the popular UNESCO campaign where students plant trees, they are also being educated about the positive role of trees on air quality. They can also inform others about their research. They can write an article for the school newsletter or for a local newspaper. Students need to be educated, enthusiastic and encouraged to become a positive voice for a sustainable lifestyle. Positive changes can be achieved in their schools, at home and throughout the local community. For the promotion of the program and the importance of learning about climate change, UNESCO released a video that is also available on Youtube.
The video itself aims at less developed countries, but other countries should also be aware of how a proper education about a sustainable lifestyle is as important as general education. Above all, it is important that when giving theoretical knowledge, students are encouraged to carry out independent actions that will contribute to a more sustainable life. And since children themselves cannot know everything about climate change, it is on us to give them basic knowledge, direct them to the right path, and give them the opportunity to come up with their own ideas. There are also more and more societies engaged in various forms of development, and these societies often have workshops for children, where they learn through different games. The commitment to sustainable development is also present in many other organizations that are aware that this is the right path for the future. One organization is Hostelling International, which in 2017 marked the International Year of Sustainable Tourism. You can find out more about events around the world in the following article: Our communities - Giving back and building bridges.
Today's children and future generations will once, at a different time, take decisions for the good of this planet. And if we are already leaving the planet with many problems, it is our responsibility, at least, to provide them with solutions that can improve their lives.
Erik Dovgan