Experience the community with all your senses
The Richard Wagner Festival has made the town Bayreuth in Bavaria famous. Once every year Wagner’s operas are performed here. He was so fascinated by the town that he only wanted to perform his music in Bayreuth. Today, young artists are also drawn here. Due to this, the museums and several theatre and music festivals offer guests a high level of cultural entertainment. The opera house is considered the most beautiful baroque theatre still standing in Europe. It has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2012. The Erimitage park and numerous charming castles are also worth a visit when in Bayreuth.
Now another attraction has been added: the new,
futuristic youth hostel. Inside, the self-supporting wooden construction with a skylight in the central foyer is an eye catcher. In addition to this, all of the room modules and installations are made of wood. The building is made up of three wings that extend into the grounds. Guests can find diverse recreational offers for relaxation, adventure and activity in the building and outdoor areas. Up to 180 people can stay at once, and all 45 guestrooms have their own bathrooms with a shower and toilet.

The youth hostel motto, “Sharing the Experience”, is also implemented by the architecture. The foyer contains a staircase with large seating steps and fitted with wooden lounge elements. An indoor sports and play area with table tennis and football tables offers many possibilities when the weather is bad. On the grounds, a large platform offers seating areas and is also used as a grandstand for shows. In the family room, kids are free to enjoy the integrated ball pit.
In the category of sustainability, the
youth hostel in Bayreuth has e-bike charging stations and three e-bikes that can be rented. Also, charging stations for electric cars have been installed.
The youth hostel will also be attractive for seminar groups and conferences. The five spaciously designed conference rooms equipped with modern conference technology are ideal for developing new ideas, for team trainings or educational sessions on class trips.
But the innovations are not just optical. The youth hostel in Bayreuth is the first in Bavaria to be conceptualised as part of an integration project. A large part of the building has been built disabled access friendly, allowing all guests with disabilities to enjoy their stay. The whole building is mostly barrier-free. For example, 13 rooms with a total of 56 beds are semi barrier-free and one of the rooms with two beds is barrier-free, making sure that disabled people's requirements are met. The spacious conference and seminar rooms have been built to be accessible for people in wheelchairs. Also, people with disabilities and learning disabilities can find a work place here tailored for their needs.
- 180 beds in 45 rooms, all with shower and toilet attached
- 13 of 45 rooms disabled friendly and one barrier free
- Family room with playing space, ball pit and access to terrace
- Multifunctional room with blackout system for theatre, dance and sport
- 5 modern conference rooms with a projector and interactive whiteboard
- Foyer with platform and large screen (e.g for public screening)
- Dining hall with own access to terrace
- Table tennis and table football
- 2 terraces
- Comfortable outdoor seating area (platform)
- Multifunctional sports field for volleyball, football and basketball
- Beach volleyball fields
- Bicycle room for e-bikes and three charging stations including 3 e-bikes
- Parking area with charging station for electric cars.