The girl quickly came back with a beer she sat next to my table and playfully looked at me. Yes, looked. English was as foreign to her as French was to me. I wasn’t sure who was the biggest master of communication. Probably both of us. We chattered, made hand gestures and drew on paper. I was joking and said that I will take her with me to America. Later her friends came and sat next to me. And I was mentioning more and more how I will take her to America.
It was an amazing night and the party in the nearby club was great. The alcohol helped that we were dancing till the morning and I woke up in POS-POS taxi. It’s a carriage, which is dragged by a man. I lay on the bench and next to me was the girl who was laughing and saying that we’re in front of my hotel. I was exhausted and I only thought about the sleep. I threw myself on the bed and fell asleep.
When I was waking up in the morning I saw an unbelievable contrast. The sheet was completely white and black looked beautiful on it. My eyes were wide open when I saw this colour contrast next to me. There she was, covered in a sheet, sleeping. Her face and arm were peeking out. I laid a little and watched. I was thinking about yesterday’s stories and thought how would it be if I would see this image every day in my bedroom.
After breakfast we went to the pub where we met. I ordered a coke and was preparing to say goodbye. The girl mentioned that she’s just going home to pick up some things. She came back quickly with a small bag wearing pretty dress. Hm, what is going on, I asked myself. She must like me and wants to charm me. Then she asked me where we’re going today. The thing started to seem serious to me. I was more and more awful as I started to realize that my jokes went too far. I realized that this girl wants to go with me. To the world, reigned by capitalism and fight for more money. I didn’t like this at all and the words were getting harder and harder to say. I was getting ready to explain her the reality. That she can’t go anywhere without a passport, money and that she can’t even go on the motorcycle with me in that short dress, let alone to Europe.

I tried but it looked like I really screwed up. I couldn’t tell her that I was joking. I didn’t know how to tell her that she can’t go with me. I didn’t know how to get out of it. I really screwed up a lot of times, but this time it was horrible. If only there weren’t innocent people’s feelings involved. I promised myself that I won’t play games anymore and especially not with these wonderful people.
I said to her that I’m going to get gas at the nearest station and that I’ll come back. I’ll remember the moment when I was leaving to the station forever. Small, black girl with black curls and an amazing body was further and further away. She was looking at me with sad eyes, wearing a short summer dress and holding a small bag with all the things she thought she could need for a better world. Her happiness was slowly fading away from her hace. I remember so well that my eyes watered and I was so mad at myself. Why did I play with these things.
I didn’t come back, I went straight out of the city to the island’s hinterland. I had remembered this story many times and thought what would’ve happened if I took this girl home. Maybe she would like it, but she definitely wouldn’t have a life this happy and carefree. The feelings calmed down in days and I was only left with a bitter story that I’ll never forget.
I was certain that this story was the only one like this from Madagascar. I just let myself drive around this beautiful paradise and you won’t believe the things that happened to me. The next story awaits in the next Globetrotter issue.