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An International Travel Duo – Part 2

Renting a car in the USA and volunteering in HI hostels

You are also both volunteers at Hostelling International Slovenia. Why did you decide to join the team? What are the benefits?

Tjaša: I saw an ad for volunteering abroad online. In the USA. So, then I contacted Hostelling International Slovenia. Its vice president Anja explained everything to me. We are really grateful for this experience and I think it was far more enriching because we went there through the HI Connect programme. And we got to know San Francisco and New York better.

We also wrote quite a few articles about it for the online Globetrotter newspaper. We've also been given the chance to moderate a Facebook group Poceni potuj in se izobražuj in the Slovenian language. I'm more of a writing type. For example, in the USA, Hugo was the one driving the car, while I was taking notes.

As already mentioned, you also visited America through the HI Connect programme within Hostelling International Slovenia. You already spoke about it in your recent articles in our online Globetrotter magazine. For those who are not familiar with it, could you tell more about it? Would you like to encourage others to do the same? There are quite a lot of countries people can choose from (Europe, USA, South Korea, Canada) if they want to volunteer, right?

Tjaša: It's a unique experience, to see how locals live, what the working environment is like in the hostels and to get to know new places as well as what the local food and how the public transport works. Well, the food, housing and city transportation were covered by the organisation, while the plane tickets and travel insurance were on us.

Sightseeing is not all. The culture and locals are important to me, too. We started our two-week journey in New York in October, then rented a car and got to San Francisco in December.

The HI hostel in New York, where we stayed, organised everything so nicely. The locals were just amazing. After saying goodbye to them, they even sent us a gift. So yes, do go. It's a jump out of your comfort zone, learning or practising a foreign language, and exploring around. And you’ll also be working on your self-confidence and courage.

Hugo: We rented a car in Baltimore and drove all the way to Key West. We stopped several times along the way on the east coast to see friends and family. Then we headed to Florida and shifted to the west with our final destination being San Francisco. Since we had taken more time on the east coast, we rushed a bit. We reached San Francisco nine days after leaving Key West. On our way, we also stopped in New Orleans for two weeks to work with a very kind local lady. We found her on

We stayed at a HI hostel in San Francisco for 15 days and then met some friends of mine and stayed at their place in Los Angeles for 15 days. It was worth visiting all those places during our trip and we only paid for six nights during those three months. The rest of the nights we spent at friends' places, hosts, hostels or even in Roberta (our big rented SUV). Then we did one month in Mexico where we stayed in four different regions, which was amazing as well.

The USA are definitely a great place to experience a road trip, thanks to all the facilities that are available in such a developed country. The diversity of different landscapes you can experience is enormous, and the same goes for city vibes, though that depends on the state you’re visiting. However, the states aren’t so different from one another when it comes to culture and landscapes as they would be if you went on a road trip across Asia.

Tjaša: The road trip in the USA was very comfortable compared to the one in Mexico. It's generally safe, cheap (gas is really inexpensive), roads are wide, and you have plenty of accommodation options. Even at Walmart car parks. The only negative aspect, though, is the choice in food as they only have fast food restaurants on the road, which can be interesting at first, but you quickly get tired of them. After a while, I only wanted to eat soups. Though, it's all part of the American culture.

What are your worst and best travel tips you’ve received so far?

Tjaša: The best one would be to just go with the flow, be daring, try out new things, and being afraid and doing it anyway. Because once you let an opportunity slip and it’s gone, you'll regret it afterwards. So, talk to people, they don't bite. Hang out with them, learn from them. I can't really say I’ve ever got bad travel tips.

Hugo: Aside from specific tips on where to travel and what to see, I didn't get or take the time to ask for advice regarding travelling, really. However, my mom always says to me prior to my departure to carry my documents and cash in a waist bag underneath my clothes (which I never did, ha-ha).

I’m curious to know, what are your plans for the future?

Tjaša: Well, I recently visited Greece with my family and I just relaxed from all the work. Other than that, being lazy and all touristy.

Hugo: After Tjaša finishes her work here in two years’ time, I want us to go travelling across Asia for three months. Tjaša adds here that she wants to see China, Japan and Korea. Hugo explains: Some people of our age work in the same company for five years or more. When you're building your career and become a parent, things change. Then you can't travel as much. That's why we also want to find ourselves online jobs where we can work from home.

Anything else you would like to add in the end?

Tjaša: Don't be so afraid. So what if you quit your job and use your savings to travel. The savings are for learning and pleasure, too. Which is exactly what travel is for a lot of people. Don't be scared to go after what you want. We quit our jobs in France and came to Slovenia. We had doubts, too, of course, but we surpassed them.

Hugo: Nothing is certain in life. When you want to do something, don't think too much, just go. In the end, you'll be glad you did it. I wish I had done more. So, be daring, kick ass and go!

Just take that long-wished-for trip and use your senses. Start follow your dream now, so when you're older, you won't regret anything. In principle, it's never too late for anything. This couple here is living proof that with a lot of will, love and a desire to explore, everything is possible. Good luck to both of them in the future, too!

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Saša Sladič

Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia